Browsing tag temples

Mamallapuram: A Date with History
February 01, 2016 | Photo Essays - Travel

Mamallapuram: A Date with History

I have been visiting Madras, now Chennai since I was little. Every summer, my parents would pack me off to stay with my grandparents and a vast network of extended family. As an adult, I ended up moving to Chennai for work and spent 16 months living in an apartment…

The Journey to my Roots (Part 2) – Descended from Nobility?
June 20, 2015 | My Travels - Travel

The Journey to my Roots (Part 2) – Descended from Nobility?

I have always been a history buff. Stories with historical settings, epic novels about a time gone by, tales from the distant past…I am endlessly fascinated by them. In 2007, during a conversation with my grand-uncle Subbu (my mom’s uncle), I discovered that he had been working…

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