Browsing tag hawaii

Kauai: Amazing Things to do on the Garden Isle
December 31, 2016 | My Travels - Travel

Kauai: Amazing Things to do on the Garden Isle

“The island either accepts you or rejects you.”We were to often hear this over the seven unforgettable days we spent in Kauai, the ‘Garden Isle’ of Hawaii. It was only after we had booked our tickets and made all the arrangements that I realized that Kauai is not typically…

Hiking in Hawaii – Manoa Falls (Oahu)
December 12, 2016 | My Travels - Photo Essays - Travel

Hiking in Hawaii – Manoa Falls (Oahu)

Every time I watch a Lord of the Rings movie, it’s not so much for the Hobbits or Elves or the other mythical beings, but more for its stunning locales — the endless rolling greens of Hobbiton, the lush greenery of the Trollshaw Forest, the unique landscape of Middle Earth…

Hiking in Hawaaii – Okolehau Trail (Kauai North Shore)
December 10, 2016 | My Travels - Photo Essays - Travel

Hiking in Hawaaii – Okolehau Trail (Kauai North Shore)

Kauai has been under a flash flood warning all weekend with heavy rains and rising water levels at the Wailua river. This resulted in the famous Kalalau trail (one of America’s top 10 most dangerous trails) being closed today. We had been looking forward to hiking this trail, planning…

Hiking in Hawaii – Waking up the Sleeping Giant
December 10, 2016 | Photo Essays - Travel

Hiking in Hawaii – Waking up the Sleeping Giant

Hawaii is full of myths and legends – stories that are full of passion, betrayal, loyalty, birth and death. One such legend tells the tale of a giant who feasted so much at a party in his honor that he laid down for a nap and never awoke. That’s the…

Hiking in Hawaii – Mahaulepu Heritage Trail (Kauai)
December 09, 2016 | My Travels - Travel

Hiking in Hawaii – Mahaulepu Heritage Trail (Kauai)

Due to the rugged mountainous terrain of the island, there are not many hikes that don’t go through crazy elevation, and involve major cardio. But the Mahaulepu trail in Poipu, in the Southern Shore of Kauai is one of those truly enjoyable hikes not just because it’s relatively…

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