Browsing tag europe

Memories – Streets of Brussels
March 25, 2016 | Photo Essays

Memories – Streets of Brussels

Terror attacks are designed to create fear and to get attention. As I watch the horror unfold on TV in the aftermath of the bombings in Brussels, I cannot reconcile these images on the screen with my memories of this charming multi-cultural, multi-lingual city, full of unexpected sights…

Flying through the Sky : My Skydiving Experience
December 06, 2015 | My Travels - Travel

Flying through the Sky : My Skydiving Experience

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to fly? To soar above the clouds and get a bird’s eye view of the world below, as you feel the wind on your face…My husband, an avid skydiver had described the feeling so many times, that I knew I…

An Autumn day in Frankfurt
October 10, 2015 | My Travels - Travel

An Autumn day in Frankfurt

I started blogging in November 2005 after a business trip to Frankfurt bursting with stories of everything I had seen and experienced. While I had been to Europe before, it was my first time in Germany. That trip turned into the first of many things, which got me started on…

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