Browsing tag chennai

Jugaad, the Ingenious Indian Way
October 11, 2016 | My Travels - Travel

Jugaad, the Ingenious Indian Way

Jugaad, that uniquely Indian concept of innovation and resourcefulness. After more than a decade away, I’d forgotten its all pervasive presence in every sphere of life here. Till it saved me at my recent appointment for the extension of my US Visa.In India, applicants have to get two…

Mamallapuram: A Date with History
February 01, 2016 | Photo Essays - Travel

Mamallapuram: A Date with History

I have been visiting Madras, now Chennai since I was little. Every summer, my parents would pack me off to stay with my grandparents and a vast network of extended family. As an adult, I ended up moving to Chennai for work and spent 16 months living in an apartment…

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