Browsing tag bangkok

Thailand: Railway Market, Floating Market and Elephant Village
June 05, 2016 | Photo Essays - Travel

Thailand: Railway Market, Floating Market and Elephant Village

Boats have been used for thousands of years to deliver food and other agricultural products from the farm to the consumers. Cities in ancient Europe flourished with trade movement along canals and rivers by boat. Before the advent of trucks, refrigerated warehouses, and grocery stores, people frequently greeted their food…

Ayodhya to Ayutthaya
April 22, 2016 | My Travels - Travel

Ayodhya to Ayutthaya

When I was little, I spent my summers in Madras (now Chennai), shuttling between two sets of grandparents and numerous relatives. When I stayed with my paternal grandfather Srinivasan Thatha, there wasn’t much to keep a little girl entertained. Thatha would pull up an old fashioned easy chair to…

Kanchanaburi: Memories of War, a Bridge and Tame Tigers
March 16, 2016 | My Travels - Travel

Kanchanaburi: Memories of War, a Bridge and Tame Tigers

I have been visiting Bangkok for over a decade and while I know that Thailand has so much more to offer than just the shopping and nightclubs of Bangkok, I never got around to visiting anything other than the standard beach visits to Pattaya and Phuket in all these years…

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